You are currently viewing Qlarite ~ 法國的居家美容美學

Qlarite ~ 法國的居家美容美學


源自法國科技,Qlarité 將法國的美容潮流獻給遠在亞洲的大家。所有技術和產品研發都由權威醫療專家團隊透過臨床研究和實驗,開發出一系列高效能和安全的家用美容儀,讓妳在家中也可以得到美容院的療程效果。

Qlarité 家用美容機,將法國製造的創新美容科技引入香港!2款美容儀效果媲美高級美容院療程,而且輕巧易用,獲得一眾KOL支持,個個愛不惜手,亦不吝嗇分享給粉絲。不論是模特兒、化妝師、貪靚的OL、或忙於育兒的靚媽,都於社交媒體上大力推薦!

LEDSONIC+家用美容機配有多種功能頭。一機多用,一部就解決基本的肌膚護理。想了解更多LEDSONIC+可瀏覽上編文章 【無花巧滿足肌膚所需】 & 【家用美容機法國係好啲】 或到多效美容儀



一個步驟解決:臉部鬆弛、雙下巴用FREEQUENT家用射頻(RF) 冷凍美容儀輕輕在臉部打圈,RF射頻打入肌底,加速生成膠原蛋白;推拉動作同時促進血液循環,加強新陳代謝和去水腫。

【空姐媽媽Yuki Tsang】


【KOL Ta Choi】





在使用FREEQUENT的時候,除了記得先清潔和塗上RF gel以外,用後的護理也十分重要!
1 由於射頻在刺激膠原纖維膨漲的過程中,可能會使用身體部份水份,所以做完療程建議敷上水份面膜和多飲水。當然不單是使用後,日常也應該多喝水,對排毒美顏有幫助喔!
2 清洗美容機方面,可以先用附送的黑色小刷子(或舊牙刷),濕少少水去刷走殘留的RF gel, 之後用乾布抹乾。

Stay Home. Stay Beautiful.

Introducing this home-use beauty device developed and made in France. Qlarité has specialized in the development of state-of-the-art high tech devices, specially designed for skin care and anti-aging in collaboration with key medical experts . Enjoy skin care treatment without going to a beauty salon. Stay home and stay safe. More importantly, Stay Beautiful.

A French developed cutting-edge skincare solution – Qlarité home-use beauty devices – is here in Hong Kong!

LEDSONIC+ All in 1 Beauty Device includes many other functions which completes your daily skin care routine. If you want to know more about LEDSONIC+, please browse the above article or go to多效美容儀

Rejuvenate your healthy skin today. Regain that firm V-face complexion with FREEQUENT RF beauty device

Restore your skin’s youthful density and elasticity, with Qlarité home-use beauty tools.

Try FREEQUENT RF and Cooling Device!
RF treatment provides long-term effectiveness by its unique attribute of increasing collagen production within the dermis. FREEQUENT is designed to lift, firm and plump skin effectively. Gently apply 3-4 times a week to kick away puffiness, double chin and aging skin.

Shape your face and restore the sharp V-lines “at home” with FREEQUENT, the professional home-use beauty device from France.

【Flight attendant Yuki Tsang says】

“”Time is so precious to moms~ Balancing between childcare and skincare could be very difficult. An effective home-use beauty device is what I need! Just a few minutes everyday at home instead of visiting beauty salons, guess how much time and money it saves me!””

【KOL Ta Choi said】

“”RF treatment activates collagen production, and the cooling treatment soothens the sensitive skin. Now I can keep my skin healthy and gorgeous by just staying at home.””

Learn More from our website:家用射頻-rf-冷凍美容儀

Care Tips

Aftercare is just as important as preparation! Besides cleansing your skin with our FREEQUENT device, here are some points you should keep in mind.
1 As radio frequency (RF) stimulates collagen, the process consumes water stored in skin cells. To restore water in the body, apply moisturizing face masks and drink plenty of water.
2 Remove excess RF gel from the 24K plated tip with the black brush included with your Freequent device, or with a clean old soft brush. Use a soft dry cloth to clean the surfaces of the main body.
This helps to maximize your treatment result and keep its firming action for more treatments to come

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